My son Connor has XYY Syndrome. He was diagnosed at 5 1/2 months right after coming into our home. He had characteristics of a child with Downs Syndrome, when I first saw Connor that was what I was sure he had. I loved him from the second I knew we were getting him! I was relieved for him that it wasn't anything more serious.
Connor was our first adopted child, and our 4th foster child.
Connor is now and has always been developmentally delayed. When he came into care at 5 1/2 months, his muscle tone was very poor, he had his tongue out and sitting in his lower lip about 80 % of the time, he had little to no trunk control, he choked on everything, even his formula and eating solids was very difficult he also made very little noise.
He walked by 15 months with the help of a Physical Therapist.
At 19 months old he still had very little speech, he didn't even make many noises. He was just very quiet. He started speech, it was very slow but he now talks. He is hard to understand, and is selective as to when and where he will talk.
Last year he was diagnosed with PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder) which is on the Autism spectrum.
As you can see in an earlier post, he got orthopedic inserts and shoes 2 years ago. He wears them a lot better but still doesn't like them!
Connor rocks, flaps, toe walks, and rubs his first 2 fingers together. He responds very well to deep muscle message, joint compressions and brushing.
Connor has a hard time understanding social appropriateness. He laughs when someones being naughty, and laughs when he is being naughty or while being spoken to or put in time out. He is very observant while were out and about, taking things in, its hard for him to go from one thing to next especially quickly.
He does not get mad very often but when he does get out of dodge! Because thing will fly!
He turned 4 in November and knows 5 of his colors, some shapes, and can count to 10 with about 90% accuracy.
We had his follow up visit with his Developmental pediatrician today and she is impressed with his progress and so am I!
I have an amazing support team! Connor goes to preschool 4 days a week at an amazing developmental preschool, Crayon Country Jay Maine, and has a great Speech and OT therapist.
I try very hard to avoid over processed foods for Connor (and all of my kids) and especially artificial dyes and additives.
In September he saw a geneticist and had more in depth blood work done to see if anything else was going on with him genetically. There was. Its complicated and none really affects any different that XYY itself. It was scary at first but his Dr. explained it to me today and I was very relieved!
Connor is a complicated little man, but he is the light of our world! He is almost always smiling his great big smile! and so happy. Right now his favorite toy in the world is his "Birthday" truck! Its a toy hauler truck he got for his Birthday. He doesn't have to share it, its just his!
I'm hoping to help people who have children with this syndrome and PDD. There is very little known about XYY syndrome. I hope to post more info and links. I am posting pics and hope to get some video up soon.
As a preschool teacher, I always find it helpful to hear about and learn about all the different developmental challenges children (and parents) face in the world. Thanks for sharing Stacy and at least now I will be able to match one name with a face for your kids when reading about them on facebook :) All the C's really confuse me, but its sweet!
ReplyDeleteSo Funny! Maybe I should do a description page on all the kids! LOL! Thank you for reading this and please let me know if I can ever post something specific, child development related. Or anything really! :)
ReplyDeleteHi my son has a xyy syndrome.i dont realy understand it.he is tow know and walking but not talking.am worryed what he would be like when he is an adult.