Our Story:

My name is Stacy Greenleaf. I am 36 years old and a mom of 6 children. 3 through birth and 3 through foster care adoption. I did foster care from May 2007 till Novemeber 2011 and have provided care for 8 children in that time. I have been married to my husband Terry for 16 years. We are a one income household and I am always looking for ways to save money. People refer to me as a stay at home mom, though I'm always going somewhere! Three of our children have diagnosed disabilities and are receiving several services. In home, at school and by many doctors, specialist, counselors and Phyciatrist's. My life is never dull, and though I'm always looking to improve it I would'nt change a thing! Welcome to my crazy, happy life!

Topics of discussion include but are not limited to:

Raising a large family in this economy, tips for raising children with ADHD, SPD, PDD, Autism, XYY Syndrome, Tourettes, OCD, Anxiety ect. Adoption, Foster Care, frugal, thrifty living, living healthy on less and recipes! Not only do I live these things everyday and want to share what I have learned with you, I am always looking for information on these subjects as well! Welcome and I hope you enjoy my Blog. Most people find my life hysterical, as do I most days!

The Greenleaf Family!

The Greenleaf Family!
Terry, Stacy, Caleb, Cody, Carson, Connor, Carly and Cathryn

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Scary things in our food and what can we do about it?

It is so incredible what is considered food today! I have always had a passion for whole, healthy food. I remember as a teenager buying my own healthy food. Believe you me when I tell you I ate my share of junk! Today it is just unreal what the government is passing off as safe for human consumption. The genetically modified food, food treated with pesticides, hydrogenated oil, high fructose corn syrup, growth hormone, dyes, preservatives. I'm not going to quote statistics or ramble on, but think to back to when you were a kid. It wasn't at all common for a middle aged person to die of cancer and defiantly not a child. Very few people had Autism or mental illness. Obesity was rare and people just wernt as sick!
The connection has to be our food. It makes sense, as that is what has changed the most!
NOW: What do we do about it? This is my biggest question. I, like most of you, live on a limited income. My grocery budget is meager at best. How do I afford to feed my family a healthy diet? I am still in the process of doing my research, and have not developed the answer yet.
I am starting with growing my own veggies and some fruit. I have learned to can. I am raising my own chickens for eggs and my own pigs. I buy from local farmers and find out what they use to feed there animals. I bake a lot more and buy less processed food, which is less expensive. Although baking takes time.
Your food should spoil! If it won't spoil its NOT good for you!
My family deserves to be healthy without going broke to get there! I will succeed! Keep checking in for updates. :)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Autum, my favorite time of year!

I love Fall, I always have. The clean crisp air, cold nights, turning leaves, picking apples. I love it all!

There is a lot of opportunities in the fall for great family time and money saving activities. I have found that apple picking has become ridiculously commercial and so expensive! :( but there are still some small orchards that don't charge through the nose. There are also great activities, like carving pumpkins, picking unique leaves and doing leaf rubbings, making scarecrows, making apple pies and apple sauce, so many great things to do!

Fall is a time for canning for me. I find it awesome to look at the labor of my work all summer coming together. I look at my ever growing pantry shelf filled with things I grew, and it makes me VERY happy!

Keep watch for some great Autum recipes!

Go out and enjoy all that God has given us! :)

Saturday, September 8, 2012


Accountability. The word means: the quality or state of being accountable; especially: an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions. : the quality or state of being accountable; especially: an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions

Oh this is a word I have used and heard a LOT!

As a mom, taxi driver, Dr. of booboos, chef, financial everything, hair dresser, secretary, counselor, teacher, ect., ect., ect. It would be easy to blame someone else for everything that goes wrong in my life! Phew, pass the buck and be done right? Well here's what happens when you do that. The problem goes unresolved! You can not fix a problem in your life unless you first agree to what your part in it is, it would be like putting a band aid on a cut that should of had 12 stitches!

The only thing that can be harder than being unaccountable yourself, is to have a spouse or close loved one that is not accountable. It is hard to say "you know what I screwed up"! but it hurts people around you if you don't "admit" to your part. When everyone takes accountability for there portion, you can come together and start to problem solve, heal and move on.

Making TRUE changes in our life is HARD! We WILL fail miserably from time to time, we just need to get back up and keep moving FORWARD!