Our Story:

My name is Stacy Greenleaf. I am 36 years old and a mom of 6 children. 3 through birth and 3 through foster care adoption. I did foster care from May 2007 till Novemeber 2011 and have provided care for 8 children in that time. I have been married to my husband Terry for 16 years. We are a one income household and I am always looking for ways to save money. People refer to me as a stay at home mom, though I'm always going somewhere! Three of our children have diagnosed disabilities and are receiving several services. In home, at school and by many doctors, specialist, counselors and Phyciatrist's. My life is never dull, and though I'm always looking to improve it I would'nt change a thing! Welcome to my crazy, happy life!

Topics of discussion include but are not limited to:

Raising a large family in this economy, tips for raising children with ADHD, SPD, PDD, Autism, XYY Syndrome, Tourettes, OCD, Anxiety ect. Adoption, Foster Care, frugal, thrifty living, living healthy on less and recipes! Not only do I live these things everyday and want to share what I have learned with you, I am always looking for information on these subjects as well! Welcome and I hope you enjoy my Blog. Most people find my life hysterical, as do I most days!

The Greenleaf Family!

The Greenleaf Family!
Terry, Stacy, Caleb, Cody, Carson, Connor, Carly and Cathryn

Friday, December 30, 2011

So many appointments so little time!

Good morning all! Its Friday! What a week its been. Its the week after Christmas, Christmas was Sunday. Tuesday Carson had testing, Wednesday I had a scheduled appointment with Case Management for Caleb, Carson and Connor but she is awesome and allowed us to reschedule so we could go to a play date. Thursday Caleb, Cody and Carson had counseling down in Livermore Falls, in 45 min. increments X3! That was horrible and I will not do it again! The younger ones got bored fast and we got spoke to about the noise twice! ugh! Then we came home from that and almost immediately had an appointment with Assistance Plus, Carson's BHP supervisor. Then today Friday, I have an 11:45 with the case manager I rescheduled for our Wednesday playdate! Its so much! but I wouldn't know what to change or give up. Obviously I will not schedulue 3 appointments back to back, I was thinking I would get them out of the way with, but other than that not sure what to give up! I really do need case Management to help in getting my children the services they need, and Carson's BHP is worth her weight in gold! She has been so amazing! Counseling could of waited till next week when there in school, but i thought where Christmas can accentuate there dissabilities, I would have them go. Carson's eval was necessary, although we now know he IS NOT on the Autism spectrum, we are not any further in the process than when we started in October! and have another appointment schudled for January 16th, hopefully will have an idea of diagnosis and treatment at that time!
So its been a little busy around here!


  1. how about sharing some of those kids when you have apointments! baby hog! as long as I am not at work, I would be happy to keep some kids here, you know that. Lean on your friends and family instead of going nutso!

  2. Wheres the fun in not going nuts! LOL! and thank you my friend! Most of my appointments are while your working, and a lot are here at the house, but you are very kind to offer!
