Our Story:

My name is Stacy Greenleaf. I am 36 years old and a mom of 6 children. 3 through birth and 3 through foster care adoption. I did foster care from May 2007 till Novemeber 2011 and have provided care for 8 children in that time. I have been married to my husband Terry for 16 years. We are a one income household and I am always looking for ways to save money. People refer to me as a stay at home mom, though I'm always going somewhere! Three of our children have diagnosed disabilities and are receiving several services. In home, at school and by many doctors, specialist, counselors and Phyciatrist's. My life is never dull, and though I'm always looking to improve it I would'nt change a thing! Welcome to my crazy, happy life!

Topics of discussion include but are not limited to:

Raising a large family in this economy, tips for raising children with ADHD, SPD, PDD, Autism, XYY Syndrome, Tourettes, OCD, Anxiety ect. Adoption, Foster Care, frugal, thrifty living, living healthy on less and recipes! Not only do I live these things everyday and want to share what I have learned with you, I am always looking for information on these subjects as well! Welcome and I hope you enjoy my Blog. Most people find my life hysterical, as do I most days!

The Greenleaf Family!

The Greenleaf Family!
Terry, Stacy, Caleb, Cody, Carson, Connor, Carly and Cathryn

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Harder than I thought:

I was so excited to venture into frugality, and am no where near giving up, but it so much harder than thought it would be!!!!
I think the number one reason for me is that my husband and older kids do not support me. This makes things 100 times harder when trying to be more cost conscious. The second reason would be time! In order to save money it cost you time. With 6 kids and a very busy life I have found this very difficult!
With all this being said, I am just pushing harder now to make this work! I'm trying to figure out ways to save money but not take so much time! I have a very hard time when it comes to my husband and not giving in to his wants and also my kids relentless whining! Mostly it revolves around eating out or going somewhere that cost money. I am also not as organized I need to be, so we forget things, like getting something out for supper, or everyone getting in the car and half of us haven't eaten breakfast. Things like that!
I say to people all the time, if I teach anybody anything its this: Start early! Before your married establish some money ground rules, take a financial class and decide how money will be spent! Also start early with your children! They cant miss what they've never had! My youngest four have been raised in more lean times and are so much more willing to accept frugality then my older two!
OK no need to go on all gloom and doom. Just pray I can recover and go get that place I dream of! I KNOW we can do it, I just know we can!

1 comment:

  1. In my experience, standing while I draft is the only thing that helps me limit my distractions. Writing in the INK FOR ALL text editor is making an unbelievable difference as well
